What Astrology Showed me about Personality Types

5 min readMay 16, 2021


Photo by James Lee on Unsplash

Any reader has likely considered all of the arguments against astrology. That it is unscientific, which implies that empirical verification is the primary definition of truth. If we disregard it as pseudoscience and let astrologers have their fun, we still have to deal with the fact that many fortune-tellers seem to be playing a confidence trick on those for profit. This is considered dishonest and immoral because, as I said above, it cannot be verified since its results cannot properly be tested, and so astrologers are accused of lying to people for money.

Who else lies for money? Magicians, actors, and writers all do this, but they aren’t often called a charlatan. What is the difference between astrology and storytelling? A story is a falsehood, but is it true?

If so, then what is true about it?

The concept of truth is not an easy one to define. We can only determine what truth is by what we mean for it to be.

If we mean to measure the rate of gravity, then scientific empiricism will produce a very reliable answer.

If we mean to define who we are and what our place on earth is, then we will not find any answers in empirical truth. We can provide a taxonomic description of us. That we are the hominid known as Homo Sapien. What does that mean in terms of individual identity?

As Above So Below.

There is an ancient idea that the celestial bodies that encircle earth affect the tides, the seasons, and the fate of those that live under them.

This ancient idea is the primary reason for astrology.

Astrology does not claim to be scientific since it has existed far longer than modern science.

Astrologers are not astronomers. They are not explaining the casual phenomenon of celestial bodies.

Astrology instead works off of the idea of the oneness of the universe. That the planet’s alignments have an effect on everything, including our moods for the day. How could this be true? We cannot identify all of the variables that could be at work on every single person’s mood at day, and therefore we cannot verify it as fact.

Let’s say that someone is born with the Sun in Gemini. How many people born walking around would share the Gemini traits?

To be fair, someone’s sun sign isn’t everything. So let us say their Moon is in Aries, and they have Sagittarius rising.

There will still be many people born on that specific day with different personalities, behaviors, opinions, and lifestyles, so it would be ludicrous to believe that the stars have some measurable effect on one’s life.

Schrodinger’s Sign

Photo by Nacho Rochon on Unsplash

The answer is that the sign takes effect when we learn of it.

Your signs represent the frequency the universe was set to when you were born. The symbols that you were born under show you the appropriate direction your energy (or life-force) should be directed. This life-force is referred to by many names. In Chinese culture, it is referred to as qi. In India, it’s called prana.

Only when you accept this and attempt to heal by directing your energy in the right way will astrology have a real benefit to you.

Those born under a sign will exhibit vast and varied differences, and so the effects of the stars should be discerned by an astrologer on the individual level.

Some who live under a sign that they don’t identify with could have many different reasons for explaining this. One of the most likely explanations is that the descriptions have been corrupted and were too specific.

The stars meanings are vague and confusing, just as the world is. Paradox can be helpful for understanding something which cannot be rationalized.

People are complex and contradictory, and the zodiac cannot be useful when it is exact in its predictions.

Okay, so what does this have to do with personality types?

Photo by Kevin Hendersen on Unsplash

I wrote an article about how we shouldn’t pay attention to personality types, specifically the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). However, I no longer feel that we should disregard things like this. I never cared too much about the scientific validity of it, but there is still a pragmatic use to something like the MBTI.

MBTI can be used to learn how to direct the appropriate amount of energy in the correct endeavors. How you can manage your mental health and manage your life.

For example, if you need to unwind, there are many different activities that you can choose from to take your mind off of the workday. There will be activities that you can do that will help you heal from the stress of work or life more than other activities.

The Takeaway:

Photo by Farzad Mohsenvand on Unsplash

Knowing what kind of things you enjoy, who you prefer to enjoy them with, and how they should be done are important to healthy living.

We all should look at personality types as archetypes to learn how to better orient our lifestyle. Our Astrological signs can also teach us how to better direct our energy in healthy and productive ways.




Written by P S

What can I say about myself? I’m like everyone else, desperately trying their hardest not to be like everyone else.

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