I decided to write an article about why you shouldn’t take the MBTI too seriously, and I still stand by that. But I didn’t say we shouldn’t have fun with it.
I’m one of those crazy people that know all of the popular personality tests out there. If you are like me and like to write and learn about typology then this series is for you.
What MBTI type am I? I fluctuate in between some sort of NF (Intuitive Feeler), but I am usually a ENFJ:
I am creating a series for fun that will deep dive into what personality you are according to the MBTI system, what your writing style is according to what type you are, and tips for improvement.
What is MBTI?
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality test used to gauge a person’s interests and values according to four dichotomies. Each dichotomy results in one of two letters being selected as a part of your personality type.
The first Dichotomy is Extroversion versus Introversion:
Are you an extrovert who prefers to interact with the outside world? Or are you an introvert who prefers to observe the outside world?
If you are an extrovert you get an E and if you are an introvert you get an I.
The second Dichotomy is Sensing versus Intuition:
Would you rather make decisions based on what you can touch, taste, feel, or smell? Or do like to make guesses based on your imagination?
If you agree more with the former then you are a sensor and you get an S in your type. If you prefer to behave like the latter then you would get an N in your type.
The third Dichotomy is Thinking versus Feeling:
Do you ignore other’s or your own feelings if the decision makes logical sense to you? If so you are a thinker and get a T in your type.
If you feel compelled to follow your heart you are likely a feeler and get an F in your type.
The fourth and last Dichotomy is Judging versus Perceiving:
Judgers are represented with a J and perceivers are represented with a P.
Judgers prefer to get things done so that they can move on to the next task. Perceivers tend to leave things open so that they can go back to them later.
To use a quick and easy way to gauge what type you are you can utilize these quizzes:
There is another dimension to MBTI which is a concept called cognitive functions. This is something that is very concisely summarized on myersbriggs.org. I’m not going into it here, because I think it might confuse newcomers to the system.
MBTI types:
Below list of MBTI types that I will write individual articles for. I will be updating them until every type gets their own article. I will categorize them in groups that follow the keirsey temperaments. I don’t entirely agree with this grouping, but I will use it because it organizes the types in an easily digestible format.
Who are the Artisans? They are sensors, which gives them a very grounded point of view. They may prefer to work with their hands in some way. They may have a predilection for tools and instruments, since they usually need something to keep their hands busy. Artisans will likely have little patience for office work, making them very unique writers. The second trait to this group is that they are all perceivers, that means they like to keep things open and improvise.
Jobs that require on-the-spot reaction time and kinesthetic intelligence will appeal to an Artisan. This would be jobs like a: Musician, Dancer, Performer, Mechanic, Contractor, Soldier, Athlete, Chef.
These types include:
Guardians like Artisans are sensors, which means they prefer to take a grounded concrete point of view. What separates the guardians from the Artisans is that the Guardians are united by a sense of obligation to their community. This sense of duty is expressed through the Judging preferences they all share. These types do not prefer to improvise, instead they like plans to be made and followed as closely as possible.
Jobs that could appeal to a Guardian could overlap with jobs that would appeal to an artisan, but could differ in the way that they are done. Jobs that a guardian would specifically seek out would be positions that require consistency which may seem boring to other types. Jobs like this could include: Caretaking, accounting, craftsman, interior design, baking.
These types include:
This is the grouping that I belong to. This group of people are probably the least attached to the outside world than any other group, which means they differ enormously from both Artisans and Guardians in their world view. They care about personal development i.e. who someone will be in the future and the potential that they hold. They look to what is possible rather than what is. They are guided by their emotions or sentiments. This type will not likely think that listening to their heart is a bad thing, and will often feel compelled to do so.
Types of jobs that appeal to idealists in particular are: Career coach, motivational speaker, religious leader, teacher (especially higher education), psychology, and of course writing.
These types include:
Rationals are like the Idealists in that they prefer to pay more attention to potential and possibilities rather than what’s in front of them. The differ from idealists in their interests. Rationals aren’t as interested in people as idealists are. Instead they prefer to think about the rules to objective reality that govern our world. It could be trying to configure a new economic theory, or trying to jailbreak their iphone. They think in logical theories and because their world revolves around what they theorize they have little patience for things that don’t make sense to them (like small talk).
Jobs for these types could be: economist, entrepreneur, mathematician, software engineer, scientist, game designer.
These types include: